Where have i been?
It has been a long time now since i did a blog post but i've been very very busy and distracted so couldnt put my mind into a blog! Buttt now i can and im going to start blogging regularly and about all the things beauty,fashion and lifestyle!
The reason ive been away from my blog for sooo long is...
Im expecting my first baby!! So as you can probably understand my mind has been all over the place, dealing with the first stage symptoms from the delightful morning sickness to being so tired that standing up is a chore!!
Im so excited to be having a baby its such a massive thing to be doing and its going to take my life in all new and exciting directions i hope, as well as leaving me sleep deprived for the next 18 years!!
Also this blog is now going to have another avenue to go down in the way of all things babies!! So now i have even more things to write about and share with you all! Not the gory details noone wants to read that!!
Anyway i'm 20 weeks now so 5 months!! Its gone extremly quick, bit too quick!
On friday i went for my 20 week scan and we have a perfectly healthy baby boy on the way due on the 2nd May 2013!
Being told it was a boy was a bit of a shock because mostly everyone we spoke to said your having a girl we can tell! Their reasons were LOVELY.. not, the fact that i was sick alot and in the evenings, carrying new weight everywhere and that my hair was dull and my skin was breaking out! YOU WERE WRONG!!
But because of everyone putting GIRL into my head we're thinking of going for a 3D/4D scan for a second opinion! although it really was clear as day BOY on the 2D scan!
Thats my boy!!
Now we know that its a boy i can finally shop for things that are not the colour BEIGE! I liked beige before shopping for a baby with no gender! Now you can keep it!
I wanted to shop for colours whether it pink or blue and now i can so god help my bank balance cause mummy's been desperate to properly shop for a lonnnng time!!
All our friends have been generous with offering clothes from their little boys cause theres been a definate baby boy boom near me recently!
Anyway now your all up to speed!
Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend!!
Twitter- http://twitter.com/emmilovesx
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