Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to my followers and readers!! Hope you've had a lovely christmas and feel just as indulged as I do!! Enjoy the rest of your night and days to come!!
Love Emmilovesx xx

Sunday, 23 December 2012

Few early pressies from friends!

Early Xmas Presents 
from my Besties!!

Me and two of my friends went out for a lovely meal to exchange presents and for a general catch up last night! 
We had lots of fun with good food!!

I thought i would share the early pressies that they so nicely got me for christmas!

Saturday, 22 December 2012

Friday, 21 December 2012

November/December favourites!

November/December Favourites
In this post im going to name some of the items i have been loving both november and december, ive grouped them together because i didnt have enough in november and ive discovered a few more exciting items in december!
My favourites include beauty,fashion and non beauty related items!

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Im Back Blogging!!

Where have i been?

It has been a long time now since i did a blog post but i've been very very busy and distracted so couldnt put my mind into a blog! Buttt now i can and im going to start blogging regularly and about all the things beauty,fashion and lifestyle! 

The reason ive been away from my blog for sooo long is...